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供应】 腈纶羊毛人棉1*1罗纹针织面料

  • 类别: > 面料 > 针织物
  • 关键字:人棉 罗纹 羊毛 腈纶 针织 面料
  • 供应商:浙江乐飞纺织有限公司
  • 所在地:浙江绍兴柯桥金柯桥大道财富大厦19楼1901-1903室
  • 发布日期:2025-03-07
  • 产品规格:160cm 180gsm 52.5%rayon+26.3%AC+8.7%wool+10%nylon+
  • 有效期限:长期
    人棉布、 罗马布、 印花面料、 针织印花面料、 针织印花、 印花布、 汗布、 弹力布、 人棉弹力布、 人棉汗布、 精/普梳纯棉汗布、 T/R汗布、 涤粘汗布、 RN弹力罗马布、 色织罗马布

Zhejiang Lefei Textile Co., Ltd. enjoys a good location for we are located in China Light Textile City (the biggest textile distribution place of Asia) in Shaoxing City; moreover, it takes us only 25 minutes' car ride to Xiaoshan international airport only. Our head office was founded in 1990. Situated in Guangzhou international light textile city, our parent company is a specialized researcher, developer and trader of knitting fabric. At present, we can produce over 300 kinds of knitting products, such as knitting dyed cloth, knitting Printing cloth and knitting craft cloth. We have founded our own knitting factory and printing & dyeing factory in Keqiao. Tanking the advantages of our parent company on resources and technologies, we mainly produce more than 100 kinds of fabric, including rayon single jersey and rayon stretch fabric; card/comb pure cotton single jersey and pure cotton stretch fabric; bamboo fiber fabric; Tencel fabric; Roma fabric and burnt-out fabric; knitted jean; CVC and T/C fabric; T/R single jersey and stretch fabric; modal fabric; imitation rabbit hair fabric; knitted linen fabric, knitted ramie fabric; T-shirt fabric, computerized jacquard cloth; knitted printed cloth; large looped fabric, small looped fabric; casual sports fabric; Men's/ladies' fashion fabric.
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  • 电话:0575-81189638 81189639
  • 手机:13588589333
  • 传真:0575-81189633
  • 邮箱:lf@lefeitex.com
  • 网址:www.lefeitex.com
  • 地址:浙江绍兴柯桥金柯桥大道财富大厦19楼1901-1903室

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