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供应】 100%天丝-机织大提花面料

  • 类别: > 面料 > 新型纤维面料
  • 关键字:提花布 天丝面料 床上用品面料
  • 供应商:淄博蛋白纤维纺织品科技开发有限公司
  • 所在地:山东淄博市张店区金晶大道118号
  • 发布日期:2025-03-12
  • 产品规格:Tel100 60sx60s 173x120 284cm 130g/m2 机织大提花 染色
  • 用途:床上用品 服装
  • 有效期限:长期
    牛奶蛋白纤维*男女衬衫、 真丝面料、 竹纤维面料、 天丝纤维机织面料、 天然纤维*针织面料、

天丝纤维 天丝不是我国传统上说的“天蚕丝”,而是一种纤维,是英国Acocdis公司生产的LYOCELL纤维的商标名称,英文名称是Tencel.天丝是以木浆为原料经溶剂纺丝方法生产的一种崭新的纤维,这种纤维在泥土中能完全分解,对环境无污染,是最典型的绿色环保纤维,被称为“二十一世纪绿色纤维”。 天丝(Tencel.)具有棉的“舒适性、涤纶的“强度”、毛织物的“豪华美感”和真丝的“独特触感”及“柔软垂坠” ,无论在干或湿的状态下,均极具韧性。在湿的状态下,它是种湿强力远胜于棉的纤维素纤维。 1、较高的干强和湿强。2、Tencel的应力应变特点便它与纤维素纤维间抱合力较大,较易混纺。3、高湿模量赋于Tencel织物缩水率很低。4、高强度适于制造超细纤维。5、Tencel织物可用传统纤维素纤维的预处理,漂白和染色工艺进行加工。 6、Tencel纤维圆形截面和纵向良好的外观使Tencel织物具有丝绸般的光泽,优良的手感和悬垂性,服装具有飘逸感。7、Tencel具有原纤化的特性。 Day silk fiber Day in our country is not traditionally said silk of "day", but a silk fiber, is the Acocdis company produces the LYOCELL fiber brand name, English name is Tencel. Day is for the material wood silk solvent produced by the method of spinning a new fiber, the fiber in the soil can complete decomposition, free from pollution to the environment, is the most typical of green environmental protection fiber, is called "the 21 st century green fiber". Day wire (Tencel.) the "comfort with cotton, polyester" strength ", the "luxury wool fabric aesthetic feeling" and "unique tactility of silk" and "soft apeak", whether in dry or wet state, are extremely toughness. In the wet state, it is the first kind of wet strong further than the cotton cellulose fibre. 1, higher dry and wet strong strong. 2 Tencel, stress and strain of characteristics and it and cellulose fiber holding force between larger, more easily blended. 3 and high humidity modulus fu in Tencel fabric is very low shrinkage. 4, high strength is suitable for making superfine fibers. 5, Tencel fabric can be used traditional the pretreatment of the cellulose fiber, bleaching and dyeing process for machining. 6, Tencel fibers circular section and longitudinal good surface appearance make Tencel fabric has the burnish like silk, shooting and fine drapability, clothing has elegant feeling. 7, Tencel has the characteristics of the original fiber.
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  • 电话:0533-2862586
  • 手机:13969379857
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  • 邮箱:dbfz0533@163.com
  • 网址:www.dbfz0533.com
  • 地址:山东淄博市张店区金晶大道118号

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