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报价】 鸵鸟皮,,黑色鸵鸟皮革,彩色鸵鸟皮

  • 类别: > 皮革 > 其他类皮革
  • 报价:90元/英尺
  • 库存商:鸵鸟毛批发
  • 所在地:郑州市鸵鸟毛批发订货电话13223015513
  • 发布日期:2008-12-04 20:27:54
  • 产品规格:kk
  • 有效期限: (长期 天)
  • 产品说明:鸵鸟皮,,黑色鸵鸟皮革,彩色鸵鸟皮,各种颜色鸵鸟皮,鸵鸟大 皮,鸵鸟鲜皮;鸵鸟生皮,盐制皮;成品鸵鸟皮,彩色鸵鸟皮革 加工,加色,定做,不同颜色,不同规格,批发,订货,订单,合作, 皮包厂,皮鞋厂,皮袋厂,手袋厂,银包厂,手包厂,女包厂,皮具 厂,皮带厂,皮革厂,皮件厂,腰带厂,箱包加工厂 订单,特大码,大码,小码,男鞋,女鞋,真皮鞋,皮鞋,鸵鸟皮鞋, 高档男女正装皮鞋,高级官员皮鞋,送礼皮鞋,休闲皮鞋、时装 皮鞋,正装礼品皮鞋,礼品皮鞋,时尚女皮鞋, 批发,团购,OEM,加工,代理,订购,质量三保,假一赔万元 加工,女式皮靴,男式皮靴,鸵鸟皮靴,雪地靴,女靴,女士马靴, 高级女靴,高档女皮靴,男女皮鞋. 定制,真皮带,真皮腰带,皮带,腰带,鸵鸟皮带,真皮鸵鸟皮腰 带,高档男女正装腰带,高级官员皮带,送礼皮带,自动腰带、 绅士腰带、休闲腰带、时装腰带,正装礼品皮带,礼品腰带,时 尚女装带, 定做:真皮包,女包,黑色皮包,彩色鸵鸟皮包,女士皮包,女人 钱包,女式皮包,鸵鸟皮包,钥匙包,银包,公文包;女士彩包,票 夹,钱夹,护照本 订货.请您联系我们 鸵鸟肉 鸵鸟肉高蛋白、低脂肪、低胆固醇、低热量,肉质细嫩,钙、 铁含量高,含有21-25种人类所需的氨基酸,肉内无药物和激素 残留;鸵鸟肉营养丰富,具有极高的营养价值,品质优于牛肉。 突出特点是:可减少心血管疾病和癌症的发生,抗免疫,加之鸵 鸟无疫情侵害,鸵鸟肉已成为国际公认的:美容的,长寿的,抗 癌的,绿色健康食品. 所以在国际上大为流行。 国外有人认为鸵鸟肉将是21世纪人类主要肉食品之一。 烤鸵鸟肉;烧烤鸵鸟肉,鸵鸟肉扒, 鸵鸟肉丸,清炖鸵鸟掌,清 蒸鸵鸟珍, 川味鸵鸟筋,川菜鸵鸟脖,湘味鸵鸟翅, 湘菜,四川 菜,粤菜,京菜,鲁菜,闽菜,徽菜,浙菜,苏菜,豫菜,辽菜,滇菜, 鄂菜,东北菜,客家菜,淮扬菜,海派菜,潮州菜,山珍,火锅,海 鲜,美食,满汉全席鸵鸟肉,,, 批发,团购,销售:鸵鸟肉,掌,珍,筋,心,肝,肚,脖子,排骨,翅 膀,油,鸵鸟蛋,为全国各地的大小酒楼,食府,野生动物园发货 到店铺及送货上门厂家批发:小鸵鸟,大鸵鸟,种鸵鸟,鸵鸟皮, 鸵鸟皮鞋;皮靴,皮带,腰带,皮包,钱包,团购.彩色鸵鸟毛,白 色鸵鸟羽毛,销售,鸵鸟肉,掌,珍,筋,心,肝,肚,脖,颈,排骨, 翅膀,鸵鸟油,鸵鸟蛋,冷冻肉,冷藏鸵鸟肉,冷鲜鸵鸟肉,冷冻 鸵鸟肉,鲜肉,真空鸵鸟肉,精分割鸵鸟肉,为全国各地的大小 酒楼,酒店,饭店,食府,烧烤店,烧烤夜市,烧烤大排挡,鸵鸟肉 大排挡,鸵鸟肉大酒店,酒家,酒会,酒吧,田园饭店,农家饭店, 野生动物园发货到店铺及送货上门,订货.请您联系我们,供货 电话13223015513.贸易通:jin777; 在线QQ:358106783,,,,联 系电话0371 69126869-13213211483移动电话13223015513产 品图片展览http://i.cn.yahoo.com/uu888999公司主页 http://www.tuoniaopi.com.cn信箱 jin777@126.com,MES:abc13223015513@hotmail.com 鸵鸟蛋 被称为"百蛋之王",长达约15公分,宽约8公分,每枚蛋的重 量约1.5公斤,鸵鸟蛋口感细腻、味道鲜美、营养价值极高。 鸵鸟蛋的蛋白质22.54克、钙质80毫克、铁质4.03毫克。鸵鸟 蛋清可以去皱美容,返老还童。蛋黄可以降低胆固醇,延年 益寿。蛋壳其质地坚硬外形独特,色泽光如象牙,其本身就 是一件纯天然的艺术品,蛋壳具有极高的收藏价值或做精美 微雕艺术品。彩绘、镂空、雕刻,字画,鸵鸟蛋工艺品.是高品 位的象征,馈赠礼品, 常年出售: 一:种鸵鸟;大鸵鸟;小鸵鸟;商品鸟; 二:鸵鸟种蛋;鸵鸟鲜蛋;鸵鸟蛋壳; 三:人物、动物、花鸟鱼虫、山水景观、 名家书画,字画,鸵 鸟蛋工艺品 四:彩绘、镂空、雕刻,各类鸵鸟蛋工艺 品 ,人像照片艺术 品加工定做,台灯;小夜灯,壁画灯具 五:鸵鸟肉;鸵鸟胗;鸵鸟心;鸵鸟筋;鸵鸟掌;鸵鸟颈、排、翅 、肝;鲜肉;熟肉; 六:鸵鸟皮;黑色鸵鸟皮,彩色鸵鸟皮,鸵鸟生皮,盐制皮,成品 鸵鸟皮,彩色鸵鸟皮革,皮革, 七:鸵鸟皮鞋;鸵鸟皮靴,羊毛靴,雪地靴,鸵鸟皮包,皮包,皮带 ,腰带,钱夹,钱包,零钱包,银包,真皮钱包,公文包,女士彩包, 女包,男包,女鞋,男鞋,皮鞋,真皮鞋,真皮靴,女靴, 出口皮靴 八:鸵鸟毛,彩色鸵鸟毛,鸵鸟毛掸子,羽毛刷子,清洁用毛刷子 ,汽车毛刷,汽车用品,鸵鸟毛工艺品,毛条,毛带,彩色羽毛条, 羽毛,鸵鸟羽毛,鸵鸟毛装饰品,鸵鸟毛服饰,歌舞服装毛,舞台 服装羽毛,舞蹈服装毛,戏剧服装羽毛布带, 戏曲服饰毛条,舞会彩色鸵鸟毛 九:鸵鸟油:美丽油,化妆品美容油,健康油,骨伤油,神油 质量三保, 服务致上. 假一赔十 您需要加工,定做,代理,加盟,订货.请您联系我们... 质量三保, 服务致上. 假一赔十 您需要加工,定做,代理,加盟,订货.请您联系我们... 汽车毛刷,汽车擦车手套,擦车羽毛掸子 鸵鸟毛,彩色鸵鸟毛,鸵鸟毛掸子,羽毛刷子,清洁用毛刷子 质量三保,假一赔万元 加工:人物、动物、花鸟鱼虫、山水景观,名家书画,字画,彩 绘、镂空、雕刻,各类鸵鸟蛋工艺品 定做,台灯;小夜灯,壁灯,鸵鸟蛋灯 加工,定做,代理,加盟,订货.请您联系我们 质量三保,假一赔万元 加工: 鸵鸟皮鞋;皮靴,雪地靴,女靴 定做:皮包,皮带,腰带,钱夹,钱包,女包,黑色,彩色鸵鸟皮 加工,定做,代理,加盟,订货.请您联系我们 加工:鸵鸟皮,黑色,彩色鸵鸟皮 定做:皮包,女包,彩包 加工,定做,代理,加盟,订货.请您联系我们 质量三保,假一赔万元 加工:鸵鸟皮带,黑色,彩色鸵鸟皮腰带 定做:皮带,彩色真皮带 加工,定做,代理,加盟,订货.请您联系我们 批发,团购,OEM,加工,鸵鸟皮鞋;皮靴,雪地靴,女靴,女鞋,男 鞋,皮鞋,真皮鞋,真皮靴,女靴, OEM,定做:皮包,皮带,腰带,钱夹,钱包,女包,彩包 质量三保,假一赔万元 加工,定做,代理,加盟,订货.请您联系我们 Large yards and big yards, small yards, Men, Men, real leather shoes, leather shoes, wholesale, Customers, OEM, processing, agents, ordering, quality, three-, fake a compensable million Processing: ostrich leather shoes boots, snow boots, M boots Customized: purses, belts, belts, wallets, purses, packages female, black, colored ostrich skin Processing, custom, agents, joined, orders. Please contact us Processing: customized: belts, belts, ostrich belts, leather belts Ostrich skin. Than crocodile skin soft, rally and durability 3-5 times higher than cowhide, and has: permeability, and flexible strong, and hair roots of the beautiful natural pattern formation characteristics can be made from all kinds of leather products. Ostrich products has always been considered to be refined, rich and status symbol. Ostrich leather shoes Soft, lightweight, Rally, permeability, and ostrich skin pores their natural pattern formation processes, artificial difficult to counterfeit. This is the world's most expensive leather one, but also may be the world's most comfortable shoes. Ostrich skin is the most prominent characteristics of the small round particles protruding, and islets that are irregular round particles constitute the only decent and beautiful patterns, no two are alike. Ostrich skin is the most precious natural skin of a feel comfortable, breathable good performance, high strength China ostrich leather shoes factory For the domestic and international market: providing species of birds, birds of goods, the old and young skin, hair, Meat, eggs. Ostrich eggs, and other products. Existing breeding ostriches 3900, perennial sale: 1: The kind of ostrich large ostrich; small ostrich commodity birds; 2: ostrich eggs; ostrich eggs; ostrich eggshell; 3: figures, animals, birds and flowers Yuhui, the landscape landscape, famous paintings, calligraphy, handicrafts ostrich eggs 4: painting, Pierced, sculpture, crafts various ostrich egg, portrait photo processing custom artwork, table lamps; Xiaoyedeng, murals lamps 5: Tuodaorou; ostrich Zhen; ostrich heart ostrich tendons; ostrich fortune; ostrich neck, Pai, fin, liver; meat; cooked meat; 6: ostrich skin; black ostrich skin color ostrich, ostrich skin, salt-Paper, finished ostrich skin, color ostrich leather, leather, 7: ostrich leather shoes ostrich boots, wool boots, snow boots, ostrich skin bags, purses, belts, belts, wallets, purses, and wallets, wallets, leather purse, briefcase, Ms. Choi Bao, F package, M package, Men, Men, shoes, leather shoes really, really boots, women boots Export boots 8: ostrich hair, hair color ostrich, ostrich hair Tanzi, feather brush, brush-cleaning, car brush, automotive supplies, ostrich hair products, tops, with hair, color of the feathers, feathers, ostrich feathers, ostrich hair decorations , ostrich wool costumes, song and dance clothing hair, feathers stage costumes, dance clothing hair, dramatic clothing feather cloth belt, Top opera costumes, dance ostrich hair color 9: ostrich oil: beautiful oil, oil cosmetics beauty, health oil, bone-setting oil, oil gods Third-quality, Services to the. Leave a compensable 10 You need processing, custom, agents, joined, orders. Please contact us ... Third-quality, Services to the. Leave a compensable 10 You need processing, custom, agents, joined, orders. Please contact us ... Automobile brush, car Cache gloves, feathers Tanzi Cache Ostrich hair, hair color ostrich, ostrich hair Tanzi, feather brush, cleaning brush - Third-quality, fake a compensable million Processing: figures, animals, birds and flowers Yuhui, the landscape landscape, famous paintings, calligraphy, painting, Pierced, sculpture, crafts various ostrich egg Customized, lamps; Xiaoyedeng square, ostrich eggs lights Processing, custom, agents, joined, orders. Please contact us Third-quality, fake a compensable million Processing: ostrich leather shoes boots, snow boots, M boots Customized: purses, belts, belts, wallets, purses, packages female, black, colored ostrich skin Processing, custom, agents, joined, orders. Please contact us Processing: ostrich skin, black ostrich skin color Customized: purses, women kits, color - Processing, custom, agents, joined, orders. Please contact us Third-quality, fake a compensable million Processing: ostrich leather belt, black, colored ostrich skin belts Customized: belt, belt color really Processing, custom, agents, joined, orders. Please contact us Wholesale, Customers, OEM, processing, and ostrich leather shoes boots, snow boots, women boots, Men, Men, shoes, leather shoes really, really boots, women boots OEM, custom: purses, belts, belts, wallets, purses, women kits, color - Third-quality, fake a compensable million Processing, custom, agents, joined, orders. Please contact us Address for the company's shops:
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  • 地址:郑州市鸵鸟毛批发订货电话13223015513

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