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  想和他们一样排名前三名? 立即申请 吧!
  • 【国际求购】毛毯( 2019-07-08 )
    I need blankets for usa market queen size, king size and baby blankets as well also twin or full siz...

  • 【国际求购】椅套( 2019-07-08 )
    supplier for Lycra Chair covers colours Black, White, Ivory or Creme Price $1-2 per unit,plse do not...

  • 【国际求购】毛巾( 2019-07-08 )
    I need towels urgent. Send me your rates for 10 single quality for 27"by 54" , 30'' by 60'...

  • 【国际求购】桌布( 2019-07-05 )
    We need 1) cloth for chair cover. streching of 10%, composition of cloth is less important. Target p...

  • 【国际求购】红地毯( 2019-07-05 )
    Hi I am trying to source a red carpet that can be used in an event hire business, this would need to...

  • 【国际求购】床上用品( 2019-07-05 )
    We are a Greek company that are distributor of home textile products, located in Athens city.  ...

  • 【国际求购】毛毯( 2019-07-04 )
    I need polyester based printed mink blankets in 150/220,200/220,220/250 sizes in single as well as d...

  • 【国际求购】床单( 2019-07-04 )
    Stripe bed sheet - Double - 260 x 260cm(cotton with max 20% poly-cubed prcale -250T/40S)

  • 【国际求购】桌布( 2019-07-04 )
    I am looking to purchase high quality chair covers, sashes and table linen for the UK market.  ...

  • 【国际求购】浴巾( 2019-07-04 )
    We are looking for suppliers of: •Hotel Bath Towels bath robes and bath rug. •Cotton bed...

  • 【国际求购】地毯( 2019-07-03 )
    We need machine made SYNTHETIC ( NOT WOOL ) area rugs on a regular basis in big quantities. We have ...

  • 【国际求购】椅套( 2019-07-02 )
    I want a basic style chair cover in many colors, I also would need sashes, table overlays and other ...



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