We Treeland Group of companies consist of 12 different companies and industries, among all of these our one company IMMENSE ENTERPRISES PVT. LIMITED is involved in bulk export of 110 various human utilities especially in Africa and Europe. We also have partnership in several chains of Hyper Departmental stores. Where supply chain always required. We have huge demand of printed cotton bed-sheets or bed-covers with pillow Sets. One Set is one double or single bed sheet with two pillow covers. Or One Complete set One Comforter one Bed Sheet two or four pillow covers. You can also introduce how you are producing and how you pack. The quality should be good. Please send us different specifications of the fabric and which cotton and yarn used to make the bed sheet and either this sheet printed after weaving or these are yarn color printed. The price is prime factor to sell in Asia and Africa and now Europe is also going to be conscious about prices. Price wise you in send us different selection. The order shall always be in bulk quantities. Best Regards
SKYPE: rehanrazakhan / treelandgroup