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您的位置:纺织网首页 > 国际求购 > 皮革 > 真皮 > 真皮皮革
国际求购 真皮皮革
gt group
2013-12-05 10:18:40

Good afternoon, sergey is from russia at the moment i can not send you samples. Skin should match the characteristics that i sent you. Please indicate what your best competitive price for the skin. Skin 5-6 meters square. Skin is 55-65 square foot. How much will cost the top layer?. And how much will cost a second layer of" splits". I have pictures of the skin, i can send you. So you can send pictures if you have. Then if the price of interest will carry it with you at samples. Appears on your mail is not sent message. With respect product information:- type: leather furniture.- the right amount ranging from 1000 sq m each color- material: 100% genuine leather and substitute.( when produce sofa where part of doing sit natural leather, while the rest of tanning substitute with the same marketable.)- the size of skins: 5- 6 square meters. Is 55-65 square feet.- colour: milky, beige, dark beige, black, brown, dry friction test: high, 1000 cycles( that over time the skin is not rubbed, otherwise returns furniture)- test on wet friction: tall, 250 cycles( so that over time the skin is not rubbed, otherwise returns furniture)- type: polished grains( polished)- minimum thickness: 0.9 mm thickness, maximum: 1.1 mm-dry friction test: 1000 cycles, wet friction test: 250 cycles- stamping: medium- grained

skype: abdussamad7777777

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gt group
sergey razin
  • 电话:89050359923
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  • 邮箱:samara7777777@inbox.ru
  • 网址:www.Gt73.Ru
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