dear supplier, we are importer and wholesaler for different items in germany. please see more information on . some of our customers are big companys. we are looking for items, they asked for. now one customer asked for try on socks. this customer is one of the biggest trader in europe and we are his agent. i’m looking for new manufacturer, because some manufacturer are not reliable. would you like to be my new manufacturer? i need 5.000.000 pcs. (2.500.000 pairs) for a first order. do you have capacity for this quantity? material: polyester or polyamid, packing loose in big carton. can you give me your best quotation with all details for both materials? btw: customer need this quantity each month. is your company interested in a long term cooperation? does your company have this capacity? sorry, my english is not good, but i hope you understand me. i would be pleased about a quick reply. thank you for your attention. best regards