Dear ,
This is regarding importing Jeans from China. I am planning a trip to China in the last week of May. I will be Jiangsu from 26th till 31st and for 2 days in Hong Kong. And then will be in Guangzhou from 2nd till 9th. I am already importing Diesel Engines from Jintan Diesel Engine in Jintan. And looking forward to Import Jeans also from China.
I am looking forward for the quantity of around 10000 of very basic Jeans. For the same I am attaching a pic of the kind of Jeans I do require. I am looking for a range of 3 USD. Coz I do get it manufactured for around 4$ approx in India. So if I get some thing cheaper then only it is viable for me.
Do let me know if that is possible. And if so then do arrange a meeting for me with a concerned person so that I can have a meeting face to face to finalize the deal when I am there and also visit your manufacturing unit.
Hope to hear from you ASAP.
Thanks and regards
Skypee: pngindustries