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国际求购 安乐椅坐垫
Swithland Hong Kong Limited
7th Floor, 88 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
2013-04-22 10:50:42

We work with a UK retailer to supply outdoor furniture cushions for their range of outdoor furniture.
We would appreciate costs for the below items. Please note the important comments and Fire Retardency requirments for the fabric.
Item (1)
Zig Zag Cushion Pads
Pictures are attached.
Set of 4. Suitable for outdoor use only. Size : Thickness : 30mm x Width 420mm x Depth 420mm
Retail Packaging Colour Box that sits on a shelf with the front cut out of the box and printed in colour artwork. Totally 3 designs of artwork.
Order Quantity : 800 sets ( each set is 4 pcs )
Mail Order Packaging each set in one polybag packed in a simple brown box with customer markings in black
Order Quantity : 2500 sets ( each set is 4 pcs )
Item (2)
Lime Cushion Pads
Pictures are attached.
Suitable for outdoor use only. Bench Pad ( Only One Pad ) : H : 55mm x W : 1000mm x D : 420mm
Seat Pad ( Set of 4 ) : H : 30mm x W : 420mm x D : 420mm
Retail Packaging Colour Box that sits on a shelf with the front cut out of the box and printed in colour artwork. Totally 3 designs of artwork.
Order Quantity : 1100 sets
Mail Order Packaging each set in one polybag packed in a simple brown box with customer markings in black
Order Quantity : 5100 sets
Items (1) & (2) above need to be quoted based on FR Foam in the cushions with matching fabric colour zips. Our customer have asked us to quote two options :
We supply the fabric ( your factory gives the fabric FR treatment, and you supply zip, FR foam, and piping and produce the product )
You supply the whole product with your own produced FR approved fabric and foam to our customers printed designs.
It is CRITICAL that the foam is properly Fire Retardent to UK requirements. Im sure you are familiar with this, so will need to ask your foam supplier to quote for the correct foam. There is no interliner. The foam is packed directly into the fire retardent fabric cases. The foam is 30mm thick.
Our customer currently buy their fabric from a Mill factory in Shanghai and ship it to the UK where they do the FR treatment and then it is manufactured into cushions in the UK. This is obviously a very expensive method of production and we have been given the task to try and get these produced in China providing we can meet the challenge of supplying FR foam and FR fabric.
They would like if possible for us to buy from their fabric factory in Shanghai and get the fabric FR treated in China to save it going all the way to the UK first. If we can do that, then we can have good colour printing consistency in the product ranges of fabric items that are made in China.
Please note that the Fire Retardency treatment must be 100% genuine and not fake in any way as these goods will go into a major high street chain of UK shops.
I really do need to hear back from you no later than Monday next week .
Many thanks

skype - swithland-hk

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Swithland Hong Kong Limited
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  • 地址:7th Floor, 88 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

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