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国际求购 俱乐部风格服装
P.o.Box 70332 Al khobar 31952 Saudi Arabia
2013-03-27 14:34:30

To be your distruster in Saudi Arabia
Dear Sir or Madam
we are a Al BRBAREY Trading Est Trading base in ALKHOBAR City -SAUDI ARABIA we hope to be your Distributor in our area .is there any way to send us some brochure, catalog , prices list & samples (if any )and complete details about the products and company as we can decide what & how to start doing business with you .Please forward the brochure, catalog , any advertisement support to the address given below as to Adopt comprehensive advertising campaign and promotional ambitious for your products in Saudi Arabia, depending on our marketing team to spread your products cultural in our marketplace Thank you for your attention to my request we are looking forward to hear from you as soon as possible Regards
*Important points: Please send us ( if is suitable and depend upon to your products )
1- Samples: one piece from each product (if any and if it is possible) to be checked in the market and register at SFDA
2- Any certificate plus samples and full discloser showing it to Saudi health ministry for inspection purpose
3- Price CIF DAMMAM ( it mean that price list to Dammam Saudi Arabia )
4- Any offer and any tools to help us to promote and advertising to distribute your products in Saudi Arabia
5- Full explanations for each product for the purpose of Saudi health mainstay
6- All the procedures of import and export related to your company and your country
For sending us samples please we will send you the charge of courier in advance

Skype : nasirjob

联 系 人:
验 证 码:

Nasir Ibrahim
  • 电话:+966562338033
  • 手机:
  • 传真:
  • 邮箱:nasir@brbarey.com
  • 网址:www.brbarey.com
  • 地址:P.o.Box 70332 Al khobar 31952 Saudi Arabia

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