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国际求购 女款船袜
trading company
Hong Kong
2013-03-01 10:25:17

name is Ryan Chapman, and I own a trading company based in Hong Kong with offices in the US and Italy.
I have an urgent inquiry for ancle socks with rubber bottom for a client in the US.
The quantity is 20,000 pairs every 6 weeks.
The color is bright orange.
Material composition and weight similar to your women boat socks.
These socks are for a company that has an activity center, and they give socks to the customers to where while playing in the center. Since the customers will be children and adults i would like to buy socks that are one size fits all for children, and another size for adults. I am open to your recommendation on sizing. It is also possible that we can go with 3 different size ranges.
There will also be a custom rubber pattern on the bottom of the socks, and a screen printed logo or embroidery logo on the sock.
This is an order that I will need to place immediately after CNY, but I need to get pricing back as quickly as possible.
I don’t need a super high quality sock, but a medium quality sock. If you have any other recommendation as to material composition/construction different that your "women boat socks with rubber" please advise.
Pleaseyour reply to
Thank you, and I am looking forward to hearing back from you.

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trading company
Ryan Chapman
  • 电话:852-6351-8705
  • 手机:136-7057-7336
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  • 地址:Hong Kong

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