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国际求购 魔术钮扣/急钮
Swabian Stil
Greutleweg 8, Mengen - Blochingen, Germany
2012-07-18 10:41:30

Dear Sir or Madam,
We have prepared a file (pdf) that explains what exactly we need and I wanted to ask you for some pricing information for the shown button.
In detail, we need the following:
- Male (non magnetic part): same dimensions as the female part but on the backside with the mounting wings (as the standards you can see in the pictures)
- Female (magnetic part): this is shown in detail on the attached file (pdf). The difference to the male part is that the mounting wings have to be removed and the backside has to be flat and polished for mounting with glue!
I refer to N-2741 Ultra Thin Button 18mm as shown in the attached picture!
Color should be either NP, NP brush or GUN - please offer all if the price is different.
The total volume we expect is about 30.000 buttons. The first order would be about 1000 - depending of the price and the range per volume.
Price should include the shipment to another manufacturing company in China for further assembling. If this is not possible, FOB pricing is fine also!
Could you please send me a price per button as soon as possible?
Thanks in advance and best regards
Bernd Kornmaier
Swabian Stil UG (Haftungsbeschraenkt)
Greutleweg 8
88512 Mengen-Blochingen

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Swabian Stil
Mr. Bernd Kornmaier
  • 电话:0049-176-314 20 381
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  • 邮箱:info@swabian-stil.de
  • 网址:http://www.swabian-stil.com/en/
  • 地址:Greutleweg 8, Mengen - Blochingen, Germany

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