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国际求购 制服贴片
Interforce International
25 Sheppard Avenue West, Suite 300, Toronto Ontario, Canada.
2012-05-22 10:55:39

There are two custom uniform patches that my company is seeking:
1. A custom patch that has the words "SECURITY."
The dimensions of the lettering must be at least 2 centimeters high as required by Provincial law.
Lettering can either be white or reflective light grey, and the background must be black.
Amount requested: 100, 200
2. A custom patch that has the words "SECURITY." The dimensions of the lettering must be at least 10 centimeters high as required by Provincial law.
Lettering can either be white or reflective light grey, and the background must be black.
Amount requested: 100
It is very important to have the lettering with the exact heights because it is Provincial law to have them in the exact measurements. Any order that is inaccurate will be rejected and a refund will be requested.
Please provide quotes for:
1. Security patch, 1.5-2 centimeters high, white embroidered letters on black background. Quantity, 100 and 200.
2. Security patch, 1.5-2 centimeters high, light grey reflective letters on black background. Quantity, 100 and 200.
3. Security patch, 10 centimeters high, white embroidered letters on black background. Quantity=100.
4. Security patch, 10 centimeters high, reflective letters on black background. Quantity=100.
5. Shipping costs to Canada (please provide best price for shipping. Priority shipping not necessary).

联 系 人:
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Interforce International
Mr. Kien Hoang
  • 电话:416-907-9246
  • 手机:
  • 传真:
  • 邮箱:k.hoang@interforce-internation
  • 网址:http://www.interforce-international.ca
  • 地址:25 Sheppard Avenue West, Suite 300, Toronto Ontario, Canada.

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