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您的位置:纺织网首页 > 国际求购 > 皮革 > 真皮 > 动物毛皮-兔皮
国际求购 动物毛皮-兔皮
Palms & Company, Inc., Founded 1934
Palms Bayshore Building Penthouse 408, 6421 Lake Washington Boulevard Northeast Kirkland Washington
2012-04-06 08:48:14
Want to buy Rex rabbit pelts in color pure white that we will use to make plates of the following sizes 20 X 60 inches 65 X 35 inches 40 X 40 inches 50 X 50 inches 30 X 45 inches 36 X 45 inches 1. How many pelts are required to make plates in each on of these plate sizes? 2. Please quote prices for pelts 3. Please privide answer for question 1 and 3 in each of the grades of pelts, and sizes of pelts that you can provide 4. If you are interested to make the plates for us instead of just selling us the pelts, please quote prices for plates 5. When you quote the quantity of pelts required for each plate, please indicate if you expect that any portion of these portion of these pelts would have to be cut off by us in order to make the designated shapeof square of rectangle, that it would be necessary for us to create for making the plates, if we make them ourselves 6. Please include shipping costs by either express mail Chinese postal service or UPS or FedEx. . 7. Please also quote one shipment of one each of the 6 plates in a sample shipment by express mail. 8 we also would like a quotation for the sample 6 plates if made from various grades of real Chinchilla. Please explain your grading system for such factors as size, collor clarity, texture, veiling, length of fur, density, strength of fur, conformation, fur pattern. Please advise which methods of payment you accept including credit card or PayPal.com we will provide tel, email address etc upon receiving your expression of interest in making an offer.
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Palms & Company, Inc., Founded 1934
Mr. Peter van de WaalPalms PhD
  • 电话:1-425-828 6774
  • 手机:
  • 传真:1-425-827 5528
  • 邮箱:Marketing@PeterPalms.com
  • 网址:http://PeterPalms.com/credentials
  • 地址:Palms Bayshore Building Penthouse 408, 6421 Lake Washington Boulevard Northeast Kirkland Washington

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