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国际求购 男士合身剪裁西装
Upscale Menswear
Peachtree Street, Atlanta Georgia, United States
2012-03-15 09:02:35

I am representing a tailoring company in the United States that is inquiring about the cost of making a custom made men's wool suit. Measurements will be provided.
We are prepared to pay for a sample of your work. If you are capable and interested we will respond with our requirements along with a picture of what the finished suit should look like in order to get an accurate quote on the price as well as time needed to complete the suit.
Whichever tailor meets our requirements on quality and price, will receive orders on a trial basis that will be beneficial to both your business as well as ours.
The following specifications are intended to give you a better idea of what we are expecting:
1) Black suit (3 piece consisting of jacket, vest, pants)
2) 120's thread count wool
3) Slim fit
4) Full canvas fronts (there is a layer of canvas cloth between the jacket's fabric and its lining)
5) Working buttonholes (buttons can be fastened or unfastened)
6) Hand or pick stitching on jacket lapels, buttonholes, and coat lining
If your work is acceptable, you will have the possibility of receiving a monetary investment to ensure our business relationship.
We have already received a lot of replies from other tailors, so a quick response is appreciated. Please contact us as soon as possible with the price and time needed to produce a suit with the before mentioned specifications. Measurements and pictures of the final product we are expecting are available upon further request.
Thank you and we hope to do business soon.
Kimberley Mulchandani
President of Operations, UpscaleMenswear.com
A little information about us:
We are a tailoring company based in the United States, with our corporate headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. For over 50 years, our founder Tony Mulchandani has been handcrafting suits for entertainment icons, athletes, and business professionals all over the world.

联 系 人:
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Upscale Menswear
Ms. Kimberley Chabdeo
  • 电话:011-678-5704807
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  • 邮箱:CustomerService@UpscaleMenswea
  • 网址:http://www.upscalemenswear.com
  • 地址:Peachtree Street, Atlanta Georgia, United States

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