We are looking to mid-February 2012, a manufacturer of thermal pants (look like army pants with two outside pockets).
These should be suitable both as a single- as well as push over pants. These must be waterproof and windproof. It should be possible with them to work in temperatures down to -70°Celsius (drive outside with a atv [speed ~ 60km/h / -25 ° C]) over an hour).
If you can deliver us this in an orderly quality at a reasonable price, then please contact us.
Then send us a quality sample (men size ~ 54) without value. Their quality is to our satisfaction, we can talk more about the marketing. If we do not like their quality, we will send you on your request, your sample back together with a lack of meaningful reporting.
For manufacturers, this should be no obstacle, but it will hold the manufacturer and would like to inquire bother with.
Sorry for that we must act.