产品说明: |
We need complete protective uniform for following sepcification:
Complete Protective Uniform
- (to protect from the radiance, biological and chemical pollution)
- Specifications and efficiency:
- Not more than 5 Kg. Weight.
- Protects from the dangerous chemical materials ( in liquid, steamed and solid condition), and also form the radiance, biological materials.
- Contains rubber belts or woven fabric belts, to simplify fastening precisely.
- With protective gloves and boots and precise face mask.
- Sizes are L. XL. XXL.
- Manufactured of a resistant fabric, and padded from inside to simplify a flexible movement.
- Contains a protective head cover.
- Re-usable many times after purified.
- Contains lines of bright reflective color on the hands, legs and on the back.
- Wide from behind to simplify breathing by the breath device.
- Yellow color, and of (A) class as the breath device in which is hidden inside.